Weight loss diets How to lose weight

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A weight loss program cannot be confused with dieting .
In a society like ours where their own problems of "overweight" is suffering a rapid increase in matters related to its spread and its consequences, it is necessary to clarify two basic concepts that will never be repeated enough, but that are the basis of everything about voluntary weight reduction. A diet is necessary willed to do .
Diets: Weight Loss is a medical procedure
Losing weight is a process that passes substantial changes of the body implying both psychological and physical characteristics, such as defining important health results. Therefore weight loos is a medical procedure .
In this society that bombards us with true and false information, true and false-hearted news is easy to become disoriented and shall be divided into traps that sometimes unscrupulous operators put in place to capture availability and fund .
That's why before starting a diet, which is a medical procedure for weight loss, you must regain possession of all the certainties possible. Regain all those milestones that have lost or risk losing for various reasons .
Diets: What to do in practice
* What are the terms of a real weight problem ?
* What is the real weight problem ?
* What methods are really effective ?
* What are the difficulties to avoid ?
Losing weight is not just" stimulate weight loss diets ." The weight loss is always brought on several fronts and is required to be made with the coordinated action of several therapeutic mechanisms .
A proper weight loss strategy can not provide merely the diets as a basic therapy. It is certainly the cornerstone of a proper weight reduction, but the effectiveness of any treatment is not only mere reduced by fat mass and therefore organization weight .
On one side, it is necessary that this reduction are presented in the most proper way possible and the train of the diet is built on precise constants, but on the other hand should be considered, as the best upshot, the acquisition of the ability to maintain any results achieved over time .
Diets: The prescription of a weight loss program should never be own sake
Therefore, the prescription of a diet should be considered as a program aimed at achieving adequate nutritional education and, more generally, of life. For this reason a serious and proper food is always a multidisciplinary program which involves and integrate diverse and complementary treatment alternatives .
The prospects that science offers to the treatment of overweight are :
* Diet Therapy
* Physical Therapy
* Behavioral Therapy
* Cosmetic Surgery
* Surgical Treatments
Diets: What to do before starting a weight loss program ?
Evaluation of general medical conditions
It expects careful medical analysis of overweight, its possible makes, possible side effects directly or indirectly dependent illness. Blood tests as directed against physician to illuminate the possible causes and possible physical consequences of developments in the situation of overweight .
Diets- The force of emotional state on dining
We all know how emotional states can influence the way you eat. We eat out of anger, to disappointment, to compensate for stress and negative feelings or senses or positive happens to celebrate. Such behavior can be the basis of weight gain and, if not properly modified during weight loss, can be the basis for a new weight gain .
It has often have all contributed to neglect this aspect of a diet, focusing greater attention on the desire for fast solutions. In reality, any weight loss, although important, without a change in demeanor is intended to be unstable .
The assessment of dining behavior may be achieved in various ways but generally with a simple exchange with the draft guidelines or standardized questionnaires .

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